I am a young aspiring designer, eager with passion for graphic art as well as 2D/3D media and games. I strive to produce quality work with my various skills across many disciplines of creative work.
I’ve studied various techniques and practices from logos to, typesetting, print/web design, illustration, 3D modeling, 3D technical arts and 2D texturing.
My design philosophy is knowledge and process. My ethos is experimentation, iteration and expansion across multiple fields. I aim to produce work with solid foundations and design principles supported by research and experience.
I am a multi-faceted designer wishing to delve into the world of 2D or 3D graphical production. I’m interested in the development of my skills and entry into the industry and looking to begin work. I pride myself that my knowledge of multiple mediums aids in my design clarity, quality of work and ability to output across different platforms.
You can contact me at emailbenjaminjong@gmail.com